“Computers… you can’t live with ‘em and you can’t do without them!”


About us:

Computers are one of the most fascinating technological developments to have emerged into the “everyday life” of the common man.  The infancy of Personal Computers began in the late 1970’s as a “cottage industry.”  Developed in the IBM laboratories of Boca Raton, Florida, it wasn’t until Steve Jobs of Apple-McIntosh Computers, Inc. designed the software that is now installed on most “PC friendly” systems.  It wasn’t until the mid-1980’s that we, at Netresearch became involved in teaching the learning process of computers.

Netreseach is a small company that is dedicated to: assisting the computer savvy or computer novice alike in finding solutions to; a) difficulties encountered in business situations, b) research desired, providing seldom used techniques to access information and c) a host of other computer “tricks” to make life easier for you, the user.

Because of the medium’s ever changing dynamics, we at Netresearch are constantly attending seminars, obtaining “the latest” in hardware/software and developing modern methodologies to solve most every issue that your business may have.

Manuel Thomas
